- Grades K-8
- $4.00/student
- 90-120 minutes of programming
The Incredible Journey focuses on the water cycle and how environmental factors affect it. Students follow the path of water molecules as they move through the water cycle on the site, with a specific focus on the interaction between water in the surrounding environment and the mill site. A mill tour is included.
COMMON CORE Standards:
- ELA – Speaking & Listening
- Math – Statistics & Probability
New York State Learning Standards (based on Next Generation Science Standards; full implementation planned for 2020):
- ESS2.A Earth Materials and Systems
- ESS2.C The role of water in earth’s surface properties
- ESS3.A Natural Resources
- ESS = Earth & Space Sciences
To register for this program, or to get copies of the Pre-Visit, Post-Visit or Extra Activities, please contact Ryan Jones, Education Coordinator.