Hanford Mills Museum News Release
For Immediate Release

January 31, 2023
Contact: Kajsa Harley, Hanford Mills Museum, [email protected], 607/278.5744
Susan O’Handley, Central NY Mobile Marketing, [email protected], 607/643.5680
Hanford Mills to expand “Explore More” Program Ahead of 2023 Season: Program Continues in 2023
[East Meredith, NY] Hanford Mills Museum invites regional businesses and organizations to participate in the 2023 Explore More! Collaborative Partner Program. Explore More! launched in the summer of 2021 through various funding sources to support the promotion of our regional assets. As part of the program, a section of the hanfordmills.org website was dedicated to enhance visibility of partners in order to become a meaningful area resource for community members, business partners and tourism guests. These pages continue to be within the top ten most viewed pages at the Hanford Mills Museum website. In 2023, there is expanded visibility for Explore More! program partners through the addition of search and display ads through the GoogleAds program for non-profits.
The ExploreMore! Program provides information about ‘more’ things to do in our region: including places to visit and things to see; where to find food & provisions; and local treasures for retail shopping. In 2022, calendar event promotions were added to the program. In 2023, the program is continuing through the fiscal sponsorship of Hanford Mills Museum, making it possible to offer the opportunity at no cost to participating partners. The program, now in its third year, continues to be administered by Susan O’Handley, Central NY Mobile Marketing, on behalf of Hanford Mills Museum.
New businesses and organizations can apply to participate at the Hanford Mills Museum website at the link below. It is requested that all new applications be submitted by March 15, 2023 so that new content can be incorporated into the website in time for spring and summer updates.
New Partner Application: https://bit.ly/3J01PtY
Hanford Mills Museum looks forward to promoting our region’s assets in 2023 through the Explore More! program and working with our partners to provide this valuable local resource.
About Hanford Mills Museum
Hanford Mills Museum is located at 51 County Hwy. 12, at the intersection of Delaware County Routes 10 and 12, in East Meredith, NY, 10 miles from Oneonta and 15 miles from Delhi. Children 12 and under are admitted free, as are Museum members. The Museum is open Wednesdays through Sundays, May 15 through October 15.
As one of only a handful of operating water-powered mills, Hanford Mills Museum has earned a place on both the National and New York State Registers of Historic Places. The mission of Hanford Mills Museum is to inspire audiences of all ages to explore connections among energy, technology, natural resources and entrepreneurship in rural communities with a focus on sustainable choices.
For more information, visit www.hanfordmills.org or call 607.278.5744.
Contact: Kajsa Harley, Hanford Mills Museum, [email protected], 607/278.5744
Susan O’Handley, Central NY Mobile Marketing, [email protected], 607/643.5680