Learn with Hanford Mills

Exploring Industrial Technology

Students will explore the transition of technology from hand power to machine power through a hands-on, simple machines activity involving belts and pulleys. 

  • Grades K-8
  • $4.00/student
  • 90-120 minutes of programming

New York State Learning Standards:

  • Social Studies: 1, 3, 4
  • Math, Science, Technology: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7
  • ELA: 1, 3

If you are interested in booking a field trip at Hanford Mills Museum, please fill out our field trip form here: Hanford Mills Museum Field Trip Form. For more information, contact Ryan Jones, Education Coordinator.

If you would like to find activities related to the Exploring the Industrial Age program and its themes, click the links below:

Try any of these activities even if you don’t plan a visit to Hanford Mills Museum. Used in your classroom or with your family, they are a great way to extend your Hanford Mills Museum learning experience.