About Hanford Mills Museum

Mission & Accountability

Hanford Mills Museum’s mission:
Hanford Mills Museum operates an authentic water- and steam-powered historic site. We inspire audiences of all ages to explore connections among energy, technology, natural resources, and entrepreneurship in rural communities, with a focus on sustainable choices.

Hanford Mills Museum’s vision:
Hanford Mills Museum will perform a central role in the local community and region by demonstrating sustainable energy practices and reviving the Hanfords’ entrepreneurial spirit. The Museum will facilitate dynamic and interactive learning experiences for visitors, students, and area businesses and residents.

The IRS requires tax-exempt organizations to make available within 30 days of a written request the prior 3 years of IRS Form 990 – an informational tax return. We have our 990 available for download by clicking on the year listed below.

If a printed copy of the Form 990 is needed, or if you would like a copy of our Audited Financial Statements or Conflict of Interest Policy, please send a written request to:

Hanford Mills Museum
Soleil Aster, Operations Coordinator
PO Box 99
East Meredith, NY 13820